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 1. Limit Break Radio  The Rogue's Den - File01AssaultPrivateSecondClass  The Rogue's Den 
 2. Aesqe  Rogue Blain  Breedart.org 25 - Prelude 
 3. Anne Waldman  Rogue State  By the Side of the Road 
 4. ANNE WALDMAN  Rogue State  Protest Records 
 5. Anne Waldman  Rogue State  By the Side of the Road 
 6. Waldman, Anne  Rogue State   
 7. Doc Rossi  The Orange Rogue  Demarzi-6 Sonatas for Cetra o Kitara 
 8. Ron Vitale  #52 The Rogue Variant  The Magic Sock 
 9. MB Linder - Bedtime Stories My Kids Love  Man in the Can - The Rogue Crows Part 2  Bedtime Stories My Kids Love 
 10. Akufen  Soudstream Club Rogue 08-12-07  Soundstream Club :: Dublin 
 11. Diverted  Rogue Devices - Sample  Diverted 
 12. Written by Alex Archer  Rogue Angel 1 - Destiny  GraphicAudio 
 13. Akufen  Soudstream Club Rogue 08-12-07  Soundstream Club :: Dublin 
 14. David R. Field  Rogue River Waltz  Rogue River Waltz 
 15. Limit Break Radio  Rogue's Den - File02AssaultsPrivate First Class  The Rogue's Den 
 16. Factor 5  Rogue Leader Credits  Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike 
 17. Limit Break Radio  Rogue's Den - File02AssaultsPrivate First Class  The Rogue's Den 
 18. Limit Break Radio  The Rogue's Den - File06/Assault/Sergeant  The Rogue's Den 
 19. Limit Break Radio  The Rogue's Den - File05/Assault/Corporal  The Rogue's Den 
 20. Limit Break Radio  The Rogue's Den - File06/Assault/Sergeant  The Rogue's Den 
 21. Limit Break Radio  The Rogue's Den - File03/Assault/SuperiorPrivate  The Rogue's Den 
 22. Written by Alex Archer  Rogue Angel 13 - Gabriel's Horn  GraphicAudio 
 23. Written by Alex Archer  Rogue Angel 14 - The Golden Elephant  GraphicAudio 
 24. Jared Hudson  Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Mystery of a Planet OC ReMix  http://www.ocremix.org 
 25. Jared Hudson  Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Mystery of a Planet OC ReMix  http://www.ocremix.org 
 26. Jared Hudson  Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Mystery of a Planet OC ReMix  http://www.ocremix.org 
 27. Ret. Major General Jerry R. Curry  North Korea Vs. The World: A Rogue Regime Goes Nuclear  Crosstalk America 
 28. Doc Rossi (PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com)  The Orange Rogue (trad. arr. Rossi) (PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com)  Demarzi-6 Sonatas for Cetra o Kitara (PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com) 
 29. Doc Rossi (PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com)  The Orange Rogue (trad. arr. Rossi) (PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com)  Demarzi-6 Sonatas for Cetra o Kitara (PREVIEW: buy it at www.magnatune.com) 
 30. CounterpoinT  CounterpoinT - Techno Symphony @ Rogue Dublin Aug 17 2007  CounterpoinT's Podcast 
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